4ee41ce9c9b1df6dc9b8d4699166aa4710cd0d73 Resistance and Atripla: Understanding how HIV resistance develops and the implications for patients on Atripla. | Healththerphynews.com
Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
Resistance and Atripla

In understanding HIV resistance and its implications, we must first identify the factors influencing the condition. Resistance to HIV medication typically occurs when the virus mutates and is therefore capable of resisting the attacking mechanism of the drugs. A primary cause for the concern includes non-adherence to the medication regiment, where drug concentrations may become sub-optimal, providing an opportunity for the virus to mutate. Among the many treatment strategies to manage HIV, governments, and healthcare professionals continue to advocate Antiretroviral therapy (ART), with Atripla leading the list, despite the concerns about the Atripla price.

The Science Behind Atripla

Atripla, a combination medication, is made up of three drugs: Efavirenz, Emtricitabine, and Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate. Running on two different mechanisms, these inhibit the HIV replication process. Emtricitabine and Tenofovir are nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) that function by integrating themselves into the HIV’s DNA structure, thereby terminating its completion and disrupting replication. Efavirenz, a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI), binds to the reverse transcriptase enzyme, shaping changes and inhibiting the HIV replication process.

However, just as with other drugs, long-term usage of Atripla might lead to the development of resistance. Studies have shown that these include mutations associated with resistance to NNRTIs and/or NRTIs, which may be the reason behind switched regimens. In terms of managing resistance, regular monitoring of viral load is essential. When HIV is resistant to one drug in a class, there is a chance it can also be resistant to other drugs in the same class. This might be more likely with some classes of HIV drugs, like NNRTIs, which includes Efavirenz, a key component of Atripla.

When resistance occurs, patients may be advised to switch to other HIV drugs to ensure their treatment remains effective. Regular viral load testing helps ensure that a prescribed regimen is controlling the virus. If the test shows the regimen is no longer working (possibly due to resistance), new drugs from different classes can be utilized.

As the war against HIV continues, Border Free Supply remains at the forefront offering a reliable source of HIV treatment options. Understanding how resistance develops and affects drug efficacy is a vital step toward long-term, successful HIV treatment. With the current progress in research and development in this area, the medical community believes that HIV can be managed more effectively, with personalized strategies to counter resistance.

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